Quantum StorNext Pro Workgroup

Requires Installation by Authorized StorNext Installer
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Includes Quantum Professional Installation
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Content production gets more complex every year: you’re asked to produce more, on a global scale, and deliver in a wider array of formats. StorNext Pro Workgroup delivers ingest, production, review and delivery in one system with incredible storage capacity and very high performance to meet your needs, with the option of expanding to include a tape or object storage-based archive for long-term content management.
StorNext Pro WORKGROUP takes media production a step further to content delivery. The StorNext M662XL Metadata Appliance offers an integrated unlimited StorNext DLC license for high-speed Windows and Linux IP connectivity for transcode and proxy acceleration, plus local and remote review station support. StorNext QXS-1200 RAID Storage (96TB raw capacity) supports high-volume content production with the option adding nearline or offline storage with an object storage-based Lattus or LTO-based StorNext AEL Archives.
StorNext Pro Workgroup includes:
- StorNext M662XL Metadata Appliance, with support for 8 volumes and 10 Windows and Linux SAN client licenses
- StorNext QXS-1200 RAID Storage 48TB
- StorNext QXS-1200 RAID Storage 48TB Expansion
- StorNext AEL500 Archive
- StorNext Lattus object storage
- StorNext M662 Storage Expansion, with support for 8 additional volumes
- StorNext QXS-1200 RAID Storage 48TB Expansion
The Workgroup Content Production Solution
- Complete collaborative storage for ingest, production, delivery
- IP client support for Windows/Linux clients, proxy and transcode servers
- For both new facilities and workgroups

Requires Installation by Authorized StorNext Installer
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Includes Quantum Professional Installation
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